Navigating the Current Auto Market
It is one of the worst times in recent history to be shopping for a new car. The market is locked up and prices are high. We have tips to help you navigate the market.
Read MoreYour Guide to Insurance Coverage
If your eyes glaze over when someone starts talking about insurance, you’re not alone, but you need to know the facts when it comes to the different kinds of insurance and what they cover (and how they cover it). From health to auto and homeowners to life, there’s a ton you need to know!
Read MoreThe Price of Dog Ownership
With tax filing season well underway and stimulus checks flowing out to everyone, it’s no wonder the scammers are having a field day this year! Don’t be one of their victims!
Read MoreSpring Cleaning for Your Finances
Your closets and tool shed aren’t the only things that could use a good spring cleaning this year. How about taking a look at your finances, too? It’s not as much fun as cleaning out the attic and finding treasures, but think of all the treasure you’ll amass once you’re out of debt and you can afford vacations again!
All You Need to Know About Savings Accounts
Do you have a savings account? You might remember your mom or dad starting one for you when you were a kid, but you need to have one now so your money can grow!
Read MoreSavings Strategies from a Recovering Spender
Savings Strategies from a Recovering Spender It\’s 2019 and if you\’re like many Americans, your resolution might be to save more money this year. It might sound like an impossible task-and a year ago I would have agreed. You get paid and somehow the money is gone long before your next payday. Here are some…
Read More5 Ways to Save Close to $2,000 in One Year
Do you want to know 5 ways that you could save close to $2,000 in one year? Saving money has to start somewhere. Depending on what expenditures you cut back on, you may be surprised by how much you could save. Small expenditures can add up as shown below. If your current financial situation is…
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